The Songs of Separation gang has had some great news!
We’ve received confirmation from The Arts Council England that they will help to meet the costs of this exciting piece of work. This is the final piece of the funding puzzle, and now the musical work can start in earnest!
Alongside The Arts Council England, the work has been supported by Creative Scotland (both financially and in terms of development advice and endless patience!), and Enterprise Music Scotland. We are delighted to be working with a ‘cross border’ funding arrangement, because this mirrors the cross border musical ambitions of the work. We would like to extend our thanks to all who have helped, encouraged and supported us to this point!
Songs of Separation will bring together ten exceptional female folk musicians from Scotland and England to create an album which will explore the theme of ‘separation’ in its many forms. The musicians will gather on the Isle of Eigg in the Inner Hebrides (near Skye), to rehearse and record an album of songs, including settings of traditional songs and some newly written material. We’ll be keeping in touch with the world through a series of short films made and released during the recording week, and a ‘making of the album’ documentary. Please ‘like’ our Facebook page to hear more about the work.
The project also includes a song workshop and a community session on the island, so keep in touch via Facebook if you’re interested in being part of that.
If you want to find out more about what the work involves, including how we intend to make the album ‘of use’ to music educators, traditional music organisations and education bodies, please sign up to our newsletter.
For our media pals – please feel free to sign up to our press newsletter, on our contacts page.