Songs of Separation has always been about ‘doing things differently’, and our forthcoming gig dates are no exception! The idea is that they are focused on creating connection, with our audiences and between the people taking part. We’re excited to invite you join us *ON STAGE* in Edinburgh (but only if you are in P3 – P7, at primary school).
We’ll tell you about our exciting plans with Edinburgh’s Queens Hall below, and for more information on other ‘unusual’ events, see our Tour page.
Creating Connection at the Queens Hall
Monday 23rd May (Edinburgh bank holiday)
One of the aims of Songs of Separation was to share our traditional music with the next generation – the young people who will carry our traditions forwards. We are delighted to tell you about an opportunity to be involved in a workshop for children in P3-P7, which will take place at the Queens Hall Edinburgh, on Monday 23rd May 2016.
We are planning to hold an afternoon singing workshop, followed by a performance where young people will appear as guest performers, at the Queens Hall. The workshop is for young people from P3 to P7, and their parents / carers! Please note that parents/carers will be required to stay at the afternoon workshop. Songs of Separation and the Queens Hall can’t take responsibility for child care.
Places are very limited (about 60 young people in total), so please do book soon!
Print and post the booking form here. Please note: All bookings are handled by the Queens Hall.
Songs of Separation at the Queens Hall – information for parents and carers 7.3.16
If you want to invite people to watch the concert, tickets are available from the Queens Hall website.
If you’d like to buy a copy of the album, so you can sing along before the workshop and gig, you can do so here.